May 23Liked by Helen Grace MacGregor

Your writing moves along like a joyful dance. I loved every part of it, especially this... Despite recently traversing the Valley of Grief, I still approach life with the open-hearted enthusiasm (and clumsiness) of my inner child. I daydream, doodle and delight in music. Little Helen leads the way… often. Spotting rainbows, hearts on pavements and animals in clouds. The twinkle in my eye distracts from the wrinkles on my face.

We could all learn from your example. Thank you

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Wow Phoebe, thank you for your generous feedback. It means the world. As a writer and Qoya teacher, who combines both to write, hearing that it moves along like a joyful dance brings me great joy.

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What a wonderful piece that really brought light to my morning! Thank you.

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Miranda, thank you! I really appreciate and LOVE that you consciously used those words given you know what my name means. I look forward to soul-seeking here on Substack alongside you and am happy we connected 🙌🏻

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May 19Liked by Helen Grace MacGregor

This is just beautiful - both visually and the story you weave. I love your use of language - twinkles not wrinkles made me smile.

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Aww Etta, thank you 😊 I feel your delight through your words and appreciate you stopping by! I am very happy to meet another neurosparkly soul who writes to encourage other neurosparkly souls!

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May 19Liked by Helen Grace MacGregor

I loved this Helen - so much resonance! You've sent a "Spark" my way this morning - I'm going to dig out my "origin" story, started many moons ago... Thank you.

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I am so happy you felt inspired to dig out your origin story. My favourite aspect of Substack is connecting with kindreds and seeing how much shared experience we have through each other's words. I look forward to seeing what the Spark starts in you 😍

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May 18Liked by Helen Grace MacGregor

“The twinkle in my eye distracts from the wrinkles on my face.” I laughed out loud when I read this - I can completely relate - I never want my twinkle to fade! As a fellow 70s child, thank you so much for sharing 🙏

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Ha! Thanks for returning the favour lovely soul! From the way you express your energy, I doubt your twinkle will fade 🤗 It is so very lovely to connect with you and I look forward to indulging in your Substack posts 🙌🏻

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May 18Liked by Helen Grace MacGregor

Very serendipitous! Thank you. I do hope so x

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May 18Liked by Helen Grace MacGregor

Ahhhh, Scouser here! Bootle born ‘n’ bred. I live in Waterloo now, just five minutes away from The Iron Men.

I adore these lines because they could be me: “I daydream, doodle and delight in music. Little Helen leads the way… often. Spotting rainbows, hearts on pavements and animals in clouds.” Here’s to always following the nudges of joy and magic. 🪄

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Hi Suzy, how lovely to meet you. Thanks for sharing a glimpse into your roots. I love that you’re a daydreaming doodler music lover who delights in spotting the joy and magic in life too. The Iron Men look incredible in photos… how wonderful to live so near to them. I haven’t seen them IRL… it’s been a long time since I visited Liverpool. Might be time for a trip! 🤔

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May 18Liked by Helen Grace MacGregor

Come! We can meet, sip coffee, find faces in the clouds - or other random places, and hearts all over the shop! 🪄✨❣️

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Aww I love that - thanks for brightening my day! I'll let you know when I'm headed your way 🙌🏻🤩

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May 18Liked by Helen Grace MacGregor

What a beautiful read, thank you for Sharing. Was lost in your words this morning, thank you for making me reflect on my roots.

Kate bush, fleetwood max we’re the soundtracks of early childhood for me, sounds filling the packed cars for day trips and holidays :-)

Love knowing your past more too xx

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Aww lovely Jodie, thank you. What beautiful words 🥰 I love that you so clearly remember your childhood soundtrack. My sis remembers Fleetwood Mac too and she’s a similiar age to you. Isn’t it wonderful how recalling music can so clearly conjure the memory of other events such as childhood car trips! xxx

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May 18Liked by Helen Grace MacGregor

A beautiful read! Living through your inner child is the best way! 💕

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Thanks for reading Katie. It really is! She’s having the BEST time - I’m doing my Creative Writing & Wellbeing MA thanks to her. A lovely story for another time. I hope your inner child is having as much fun as mine 😁

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May 18Liked by Helen Grace MacGregor

This sounds like a great course… is it online?

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It is indeed online, through Teesside Uni, and it was a wonderful find! I'm trained in Western and Eastern medicine and had my own wellbeing practice for years, but my writing fell aside for a few years. All I ever wanted was to help people and write - now I get to do both in a whole new way thanks to gifting myself a course that restored my faith in my capacity to bring my two loves together!

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May 18Liked by Helen Grace MacGregor

What wonderful words to read. I have just this week moved back to my roots in Hampshire. It’s fascinating how many different things can evoke feelings once we look back over our years. What a beautiful read. Thank you for sharing x

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Oh wow, how serendipitous that I wrote this and you read it at a time when you’ve returned to your roots. Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts lovely Jules. I hope your return to Hampshire nourishes your heart 💕

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May 17Liked by Helen Grace MacGregor

Now I know you a little more my lovely soul Sister xx. 😘 beautiful

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I LOVE that you've commented almost as soon as I pressed post! And I love that you took the time to read about my roots, my wonderful friend and soul sister. Heading to read yours now - yayyy!! xxxx

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I love this, Helen, that you let your younger you lead. I am sure that is wise advice, indeed. It probably helps you see the wonder and awe in every day and everything! Beautifully lived and written. Thank you!! XO

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